save a life

Save- A -Life Initiative(SALI)

Surgery is the first among a wide range of other medical interventions that are needed by children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus to survive and participate in the society.

It is a vital aspect of comprehensive and life-long management care for individuals with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. By addressing underlying structural abnormalities, preventing complications, and improving functionality and symptoms management, optimizing outcomes and enhancing the overall well-being of affected individuals.

Late 2023, Shine Charity UK on behalf of Festus Fajemilo Foundation secured funding from Gay and Keith Talbot Trust UK aimed to support children with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus to access prompt medical treatment towards their wellbeing and leading a full life.

Between November 2023 and April 2024, the funding has enabled the Foundation to support 14 children to undergo surgical operations done at different public health facilities in Nigeria.

Many thanks to our partner, Shine for facilitating the funding and a huge gratitude to Gay and Keith Talbot Trust UK for providing the funding.


Oluwasike is a 9-month-old baby with hydrocephalus, experienced convulsions shortly after birth. Despite initial treatment in a private hospital in Akure, Ondo State, concerns arose when the child failed to sit. Her parents sought further medical advice from a higher-level private health facility from where the family was referred for subsequent diagnosis at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC) Ile-Ife where hydrocephalus was confirmed. While the child was on admission at OAUTHC, her father had the opportunity to attend the support group meeting of Festus Fajemilo Foundation which holds quarterly. Through conversation with the foundation’s executive director, father requested for financial support to avoid delay in the child’s surgery. The support from FFF covered laboratory investigations, theatre fee, admission, and drugs. Surgery was successful, Oluwasikemi since has been discharged and doing well.

Before Surgery
After Surgery

Mr. and Mrs. Otom became aware of Philip’s condition, their 2-month-old son., noticing a swollen lump on his head. Initially, they sought traditional remedies without success.  Out of concern, they took Phillip to Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), where medical tests revealed he has hydrocephalus and thereafter admitted in the hospital. Due to lack of financial power, Philip’s surgery got delayed. However, during a visit to LASUTH by Festus Fajemilo Foundation’s team to some of the children being supported by the Foundation Philip’s mother approached the staff members for help. Luckily for her, the supported Philip in getting an “antibiotic-impregnated Shunt” to speed up the treatment. Surgery has been done and successful. Philip has been discharged from the hospital and the family has joined the Foundation support group to learn from other families and seek for more counselling on how to navigate care for Philip.

Before Surgery
After Surgery